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Convocation Performance for Drum Line and Selected Horn Line Members ONLY

Hello everyone,

On Thursday, Aug 8th, our marching band drum line and selected horn line members will be performing at the Bergland Center for the annual RCPS Convocation Event. 

The selected horn line members already have volunteered and know who they are. 

Students need to arrive at WBHS at 7am and will travel by school bus to and from the event. 

Students should wear their band camp uniform which is the maroon band shirt and khaki shorts or pants. Long jeans are acceptable if they do not have the khaki clothing. They will receive their new band shirt at Tuesdays practice.

Our Drum Line will be playing for the RCPS teachers while they exit the event and the Horn Line members will join other RCPS Band members to perform the National Anthem prior to the event.  

Students should return to WBHS by 11am. 

Let me know if you have questions. 

D. Plybon